The most powerful reporting in recruiting
With Metaview, you can filter your recruiting conversations, discover trends, and get notified about the conversations you care about.
How candidate talk-time is trending
How candidate talk-time is trending
Powering thousands of hiring teams, from next-generation startups to established enterprises.
Filter your hiring conversations based on virtually any dimension—department, interview stage, hiring manager, location. You can even find conversations based on what was discussed.

So you can instantly answer questions like, “Who are all the AEs we’ve spoken to in the past 3 months who discussed working on deals over $100K?”, or “Who in my senior software engineer pipeline mentioned interviewing with other companies?”.
Uncover actionable insights from your hiring conversations
Easily uncover insights and patterns over time to better understand what’s really going on in your hiring process.

Metaview can tell you how actions you care about are trending over time like, “How often do candidates who reject our offer mention Glassdoor?” or “How many of our candidates are in competitive processes with other companies?”.
Understand trends in your hiring data
You can instruct Metaview’s AI to extract any data point you care about that’s mentioned in conversations.

For example, ask our AI to pull out the compensation ranges candidates have mentioned for a given role, or to summarize what each candidate has said about their experience with a skill you’re looking for.
Ask our AI to extract the detail you need from conversations
Subscribe yourself or your teammates to email alerts whenever a new conversation matching your filters gets captured on Metaview. And choose the update frequency that works for you.
Get alerted about the conversations you care about
“Metaview has honestly been the biggest step-change in our company’s interviewing. Especially when you’re a young company, a lot of the issues with interviewing are around achieving objectivity and consistency. Metaview allows us to do that.”
Luke Hextall · Head of Talent Acquisition
“Metaview allows us to really deeply understand what is happening with candidates throughout the process and also what hiring managers are looking to assess.”
Hannah Wardle · Head of Recruitment
Identifying rogue interviewers
Learn how Metaview can help you deep-dive into conversational data points like talk-time to understand which of your interviewers aren’t giving candidates enough time to shine.
Identifying rogue interviewers
Understand how competitive your talent market is
Learn how Metaview can help you identify which of your candidates are in interview processes with other companies so you can pull out all the stops to win the candidates you want.
Understand your market
Source using data from your historical candidate conversations
In this episode, Siadhal shares how Metaview can help you source from candidates you’ve already spoken to by instantly finding people who have mentioned particular experience you're looking for—in this case working on large Sales deals.
Uncover insights
Ready to try Metaview?