Is Rob Stevenson a good interviewer?

13 Jul 2022 • 1 min read

Siadhal recently appeared as a guest on Hired’s Talk Talent To Me podcast with Rob Stevenson. To hear more about how we define a good interview, surprising insights about who tends to make a great interviewer, and the pitfalls of overstretching your best interviewers, tune in to the full conversation here.

We never get tired of nerding out on interviewing, so—as usual—we had to run the episode through Metaview to see what the data reveals about Rob’s interviewing skills. (In case you missed them, check out our previous podcast analyses with William Tincup and Hung Lee.)

Here’s how Rob’s Interview Metrics stack up against those of his fellow podcast hosts and Siadhal:

As a podcasting pro, it’s no surprise that Rob’s metrics show he knows how to run a great interview. He gave his interviewee plenty of airtime and asked a healthy number of questions that provided jumping off points for deeper conversation.

What else did we learn from Rob’s interview analysis?

Rob did a great job of cutting down on filler words. He used just 111, which is the fewest of the podcast hosts we’ve reviewed so far.
The longest interviewee monologue was about 1.5 minutes—shorter than what we’ve seen for similar conversations. Rob could consider tweaking some of his questions to encourage longer, more descriptive answers.
Rob was a friendly host, showing no signs of potentially hostile language.

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