Is William Tincup a good interviewer?

27 Jun 2022 • 1 min read

Siadhal recently appeared on Recruiting Daily's Use Case podcast where he chatted with William Tincup about why and how customers use Metaview, and what a great interview process looks like. In case you missed it, be sure to check it out here.

We enjoyed putting Hung Lee’s interviewing skills to the test a few month’s back, so we thought we’d see how William stacks up, too. In the conversation, William claims he’s “a horrible interviewer” given his penchant for asking esoteric questions like “What’s your favorite Beatles album” or “How are you misunderstood?”. But, we had a hunch he was selling himself short and wanted to see what the data had to say.

So, we ran the Use Case episode through our Interview Intelligence engine and compared William's Interview Metrics to Hung's recent interview with Siadhal as well as to Siadhal’s average on Metaview. Here's what the data showed this time:

As we suspected, the analysis shows William uses a lot of techniques that make a great interviewer: He listens more than he speaks and asks clear, thoughtful questions.

Here are a few more insights on William’s interviewing chops:

William asked plenty of open-ended questions that elicited rich, descriptive responses. His questions led to an average monologue of 0.78 minutes, with the longest clocking in at nearly 3 minutes.
William asked clear, concise questions, averaging a crisp 30 words each.
Over the course of the conversation, William used 118 filler words, which is fewer than the average interviewer.
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